Women's Health - Expert comment from Karen Harrison

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are more frequent in women than men, with an estimated half of all women in the UK having at least one UTI in their life-time, with 25% having recurrent episodes.  Lower UTIs are commonly known as ‘cystitis’. In more than 80% of cases they are caused by the overgrowth of the bacteria Escherichia coli (E.coli) originating from the digestive system or vagina.

So ladies - what can you do to help reduce these infections?

Start by taking a moment to hear from our expert, Nutritional Advisor Karen Harrison and then if you're after some more advice feel free to email us and one of our team of experts will get back to you. Or to get a supply of Bio-Kult then use the 'Shop' tab of our website.



8th August 2016
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