Beach Behaviour

 dogs on beach

Taking a trip to the beach this summer and bringing your dog along? Did you know different beaches will have different rules for dogs visiting them? Some beaches only allow dogs at certain times of year, others at certain times of day and some require dogs are kept on leads. Look out for signs advising you of the rules for that specific beach, and stick to them. They have been made for a reason and enable all to enjoy Britain’s beautiful beaches. To ensure your trip runs smoothly take a look at our quick guide to beaches… and remember don’t forget your poo bags!


Extra considerations when on the beach with your dog

  • Think about the temperature (see our Tips for a healthy pet this summer), a gentle breeze may help keep us cool, but may not be so effective to a thick coated dog.
  • If you feel the weather is cool enough to sit on the beach with your dog, ensure you provide shade and fresh water.
  • Keep an eye on your dog, and avoid them from scavenging – sadly litter and food remnants are commonly left on beaches or washed in by the sea; these may be harmful if eaten by dogs.
  • Do not allow your dog to get too close to fishermen. It can be very dangerous if they are to eat the fisherman’s bait with a fishhook attached (this can result in an urgent trip to the vets and sometimes even require major surgery for removal of the hook).
  • Don’t allow your dog to drink large amounts of salt water – this can cause an upset tummy.
  • If your dog is a swimmer then be cautious of rip tides and currents, even the strongest swimmers can come into difficulty with strong currents.


Beware of summer scavengers and explorers

Summer time brings out picnics and barbeques, and with these plenty of tempting opportunities for our pets to grab themselves what they may think is a tasty treat, but may actually be dangerous to them.


Top tips to avoid unwanted scavenging

  • Keep food out of reach, and covered to avoid attracting your pets attention
  • Do not leave your pet unattended when food is left out on the side/ accessible
  • Consider putting your pet in a different area at meals times if you have visitors or children eating and dropping food
  • Ensure bins are taken out promptly, especially if they contain skewers/ bones, to avoid any unnecessary temptation for your pet to raid the bins.
  • Keep an eye out for wrappers/ food remnants when out on walks, as mouldy food can be very toxic to pets

14th August 2018

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